Homemade Dried Fruit


We all know the self-evident, you can dehydrate fruits in a dehydrator, yet did you realize that you can do it in the oven, too?

Yes, the truth is out, you can have scrumptious dehydrated fruit without needing to purchase an extravagant machine to do it!

Prep Your Fruit
Pick a ripe or simply over-ripe fruit or berry
Wash it utilizing icy water
Uproot and spots or blemishes
Uproot any pits
Uproot any stems
Cut and slice the fruit equitably, this is to guarantee that they dry in the same timeline
You can uproot the skins, however it is a bit much:

A few natural products, for example, peaches, nectarines, and apples dry better if the skin has been uprooted.

Drench It

To keep the organic product outwardly engaging, and to minimize discoloration, absorb the fruit in lemon juice and water for 10 minutes. Deplete and smudge utilizing a lint-free towel.

To the oven

Preheat the oven to 130-160F; utilizing a lower temperature for apples or peaches. Strawberries and other whole berries need a higher temperature.

Put parchment paper onto sheet pans and organize the natural product in a solitary layer, however don’t permit anything to be touched. Top with a pizza screen or a silicone pan liner to keep them from twisting while drying.

General Cooking Times

  • Bananas – 6 hours
  • Pears – 6 hours
  • Plums – 6 hours
  • Peaches – 6 hours
  • Apples- 6 hours
  • Citrus Peel – 8-10 hours
  • Grapes – 8-10 hours
  • Cherries – 12 hours
  • Apricots – 12 hours
  • Strawberries – 12 hours

Cure it

At the point when the fruit is prepared, put it away from the oven and leave the organic product into a glass or plastic container to “cure.” Leave the holder open for 4-5 days so that any dampness left from the drying procedure can vanish. Shake the holder at least once a day to move the natural product around.

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