Wedding Cupcakes


Between ordering flowers and deciding whether white or ecru colored napkins match the place settings, there is always some aspect of the wedding planning process that gets pushed to the last minute. Fortunately, that doesn’t have mean a crisis situation, even if you forgot to * gasp! * order the cake!

Wedding cupcakes keep popping up again and again as a way to save money on your wedding or adding a bit of modern taste to the reception. But what’s the truth? Are cupcakes really a good alternative to a wedding cake?


This is the big question, isn’t it? Wedding cakes can start at $350-$550 depending on the size, how many guests you have, etc. When wedding cupcakes first became a trend, they were touted as a great way to save money: spend a buck or two for a cupcake rather than $4 or $5 per slice for cake. But bakers soon caught on that doing wedding cupcakes are just as much work – if not more – than a traditional cake. Every single cupcake has to be baked and iced. If you’re doing specialty decorations, you’ll need one for each cupcake.



On the other hand, it is easier for a non-professional baker (like a family member) to put together 150 cupcakes than trying to make an elaborate tiered cake. It’s also easier to dress up grocery store cupcakes than it is to try to make a cheap wedding cake look fancy.  In the end, it all comes down to choices and what makes you, the bride, happy. This is your day after all.


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