Nature Finds A Way – Plants Are Not Giving Up

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Plants will grow wherever they can find a small crack of sunlight, a glimmer of hope. There is something that thrives within all living things, a force that drives us to want to live over anything else. Although plants don’t have the brains to think on such a complex level about survival as we do, they undeniably want to live.

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Have you ever had a plant that you forgot to water? Then, just as it looked to be dead as a doorknob you realized you should probably water it? All that it takes is a little love and care and that plant will come right back to life. The plant wants to live, and will live if given even the faintest resources to try and make do with.

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These plants prove that if you don’t give up, you can flourish from just about anywhere!

A tiny crack in the sidewalk is all this flower-child needs to break free, spreading some beauty to all that pass. A plants root system is very complex, their long thin roots dig down deep into the soil to find the moisture necessary to stay alive.

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