Have You Heard of a Plant That Attracts Money – The Money Tree?

Money Tree 1

Crassula ovate is a plant which has a power to attract money. It is believed that the presence of this plant has a positive effect on the owner and the plant attracts money for its owner.

Although originating from South Africa, Asian civilizations made the popularity of this plant! It was first cultivated and raised as ornamental houseplant in Taiwan, and in Japanese culture it is ‘given’ the power of drawing the money! Soon this belief was accepted by the Chinese and other Asian nations, and then the rest of the world!

Science has tried to explain this belief, and some scientists have argued that the Crassula leaf evaporates certain gases that positively affect mood and ability to work and this way explain a better revenue! However, they have not implemented more serious studies, and all claims are still at the level of belief!

Money Tree 3

According to the Feng Shui, it should be kept on the south-eastern side of your home.

You should cuddle it, care about it, keep it well illuminated, away from wind, water it regularly and believe that it will bring you the money…. It will 😉

Do you have your money tree?

Money Tree  2

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1 Comment
  1. ian wood says

    I have a money plant . Ive alwaysw 25 years treated it as a cactus . Its huge . I put it outside in the summer and it seems to love it . And yes ive been lucky with money.

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