Is Successful Flower Care Related With Your Zodiac Sign?

Zodiac Signs

Despite your care, some of your plants and flowers still don’t grow as they should or fulfill your expectations. There are several reasons for that, but one of them might be related to the characteristic features of people born under different signs of the Zodiac.

Here is an advice for the people born in the sign of:

Aries 6

ARIES: Fans of flowers born under the sign of Aries may face the problem of quickly drying the soil in which they grow their flowers and consequently result in drying the plant. To be healthy, your plants need watering more frequently than recommended.

Taurus 10

TAURUS: When caring for flowers, Taurus must not forget his sense of measure. Always follow the instructions, do not increase or lower the dose of nutrients for your plants and flowers. In summer protect them from direct sunlight.

Gemini 2

GEMINI: Plants and flowers grown by people under the sign of Gemini feel good in the room with fresh air. Frequent manure and clean air – these are the two secrets to success!

Cancer 4

CANCER: Flower lovers born under the sign of Cancer often complain that their plants die suddenly. Plants often suffer from root rot, caused by a soil moisture. The plants shouldn’t be watered that much, especially in winter.

Leo 9

LEO: Plants that Leo cares about, require stronger lighting. It is known that plants feel better if the man who takes care of them, talks to them. Born under the sign of love, the Leo should really show that he loves his flowers.

Virgo 1

VIRGO: Virgo is a sign for those dealing with floriculture and thorough care for plants. Remove any dust from the leaves, do not leave the flowers a long time in too small pots, remove the dried leaves.

Libra 8

LIBRA: If people born under the sign of Libra want to see their flowers strong and healthy, it is useful to know that they do not have fertilize them too much. Use the lighting, remove the dried leaves and blooms which are ruining the look of your plants.

Scorpio 11

SCORPIO: Scorpio, lover of the indoor flowers , is often grumbling about the invasion of all insect pests in the garden. Use protection and pest control, preventively spray plants with insecticides, insert proper means against pests in the soil .

Sagitaurus 5

SAGITTARIUS: If you were born under the sign of Sagittarius and want to grow a beautiful garden with plants indoors, do not put them away from windows. Place the plants as close to the window as you can or highlight them additionally.

Capricorn 3

CAPRICORN: Capricorn is representative of the earth’s elements and the main problems in growing plants indoors will be connected with insufficiently good soil. To have success in growing your flowers in flowerpots, add sand and peat, make a drainage and fertilize the top layer of soil in the pot more often.

Aquarius 12

AQUARIUS: Aquarius is a sign of surprise, so it is impossible to predict what kind of problems he will face in growing his flowers. You should always be on your toes, because your plants can get sick suddenly. Too cold or too high temperatures in the room can be deadly for your plants.

Pisces 7

PISCES: All plants grown by the representatives of this sign will be sensitive to the spiritual level of their owner. Pisces are away from the bustle of the material world, and thats why their home plants can live quite long without being fertilized. They need the spiritual food more.

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