Best 15 Special Detail Ideas For Decorating Your Garden

Garden Decor Feat

Most of the houses have a garden space that is used for outdoor activities. It can be easily designed and transformed in an area to relax, and grow decorative flowers and plants. Here are a few tips on landscaping and ideas of how to organize the garden space in order to improve the look of this part of the house. There are many different sizes and shapes of garden, but the proper organization of the environment will be essential for the best use of the space, and for transforming it into an area with different functions. If you want an inspiration related to the organization and decoration of your garden, check out the following 15 ideas for decorating the garden with some special decorative details. Enjoy!

Rustic wooden table with place to plants some flowers or plants in the middle. Pretty creative and functional idea.

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This enchanting fairy garden can bring a whole new level of excitement in your garden and can take you for a while in a world of magic and perfection.

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Big flower pots, decorative plants with a wooden pergola and gravel can make one simple but perfect decoration for your outdoor relaxation.

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An amazing fountain design can serve as a very appealing decoration for the garden as well.

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Succulents in a rock can be a nice decorative detail for the garden. Use a small or a bigger rock drill a hole inside, fill it with soil and plant succulents. Very easy project, but beautiful final result.

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This log water feature is very natural-looking and a very creative one to refresh your garden.

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You can always make place for a perfect small pond to decorate the garden with style.

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Add a pergola to your outdoor seating area to give you some shade while relaxing outdoors.

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A fireplace around the seating area in the garden can also be a good idea if you want to spend the nights in the garden.

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Make an enchanting bicycle planter stand by recycling your old fashioned bike. Paint the bike in white or in the color you want and combined with colorful flowers.

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This front yard flower bed design makes perfect decoration complemented with water feature.

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Opt for an elegant and cozy seating area where you can have a little privacy and can relax every time you need to spend some time alone.

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Create a brick raised flower bed filled with stones and gravel and lots of colorful flowers.

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