Make Gorgeous Garden Decorations With These 13 Recycling Tree Stumps Ideas

Tree Stump Feat

Tree stumps are a perfect material for garden decorations, but also for small decorative items for indoors. They can also be very easily transformed into garden planters that will bring diversity in your garden decoration and will get a completely new function and new life. If you have old trees in your garden that are either a feature, a part of the boundary to your property or act as a screen and shelter to your home and garden from the neighbors, but they suffered wind damage, or just have grown too much you may consider trimming them or remove the branches completely before they cause any hazard to your home.

However, you can keep the stumps and recycle them. You can add some paint to a tree stump if you want, but the true beauty lies in its natural look. Decorate a tree stump with flowering plants and grass, creating an amazing focal point for your yard landscaping. Everyone notices a decorated stump, and you can easily create an instant showcase for beautiful flowers. If you need inspiration take a look at these ideas how to recycle tree stumps that make gorgeous garden decorations. Enjoy!

An option for stumps or sections with a little rot in the center or an interesting form can be used as natural looking planters. If there is no rot present, the center can be hollowed out. Stumps can be used in place or cut off at ground level and moved to a different location.

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What a great use of that old tree stump. It is so colorful and beautiful.

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Plant some succulents into the slump in the yard and you will get a beautiful garden decoration that is all natural.

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Make a small and cute wooden planter for your cacti.

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Make a huge planter in a hollowed out wood log and turn it into the highlight of your yard by filling it with colorful flowers.

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If you have had a tree near you that were taken down because they were considered to be a hazard, not all of them should head to the fire pit. Create some natural stump planters. These will look perfect once the plants mature and cascade over the sides of the stump.

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Or, create your magical fairy garden gnome home in a hollowed out tree stump and decorate your garden this way. This will be an awesome idea especially if you have small kids that will enjoy this peace of art.

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