Look What Happens When Street Art Cleverly Interact With Nature. Mind Blowing!

Street Art Nature Feat

Urban environments and nature are usually held to be polar opposites, but even in the concrete jungle, street artists can find a way to incorporate nature into their street art. That’s exactly what the street artists who created these awesome pieces of street art did.

In these cases not every wall or pavement could be turned into street art: the artist has to search for the perfect spot, knowing that the elements of nature are not permanent, so the piece can’t remain for long. However, the struggle is worth it – these pieces really turn heads and amuse passersby more than most of other forms of street art.

“Street Art” term is often associated with graffiti; It comes in all forms and shapes. This showcase revel what the world’s creative street artists have come up with lately using Mother Nature as a key ingredient?











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