Choose One Leaf And Discover What It Speaks About Your Personality!

Six different types of leaves are in front of you, you need to look at them well and choose the one that “best fits you”.

Read what the selected leaf is speaking about you.

1. Honest and Intelligent

You consider that honesty is the most important thing that every person should possess and for that reason you always remain consistent with yourself, authentic, natural and spontaneous. You’re really perceptive about other people and you are guided by that proverb: don’t do to others anything that you do not want to be done to you.  You idealize people pretty much and that’s where your big challenge lies. It’s important to believe, but it’s also important to learn where and whom to you give your trust. The world is full of people who love and value you, learn to recognize them and mature with them.

2. Peaceful and cautious

They describe you as a quiet, curious, and peaceful person. You want peace and harmony to always be in your world and your life, and for this reason you avoid any kind of confrontation (sometimes this behavior leads to apathy) and you are often mediator when there are conflicts in your environment. You spend a lot of time thinking and planning your future, and that’s why your main challenge is to learn to believe. You are gardener of your life and you are always attracted to those that are illuminated by your love. Your future depends on what you are doing right now, you have to live intensively, with love and kindness, and allow your life to tempt you with the presents that were meant for you.


3. Gentle and loyal

You are a noble person, always ready to help others without looking for something in return. For this reason, we want to remind you that everything you give from your heart will always return to you in different ways. For you, more than a challenge is a call: stay persistent in your kindness and you will see how your life will progress more and more and you will be happier day by day.

4. Firm and methodical

If you had a motto, it would say: “Things can be done well at the first time.” You are intelligent, rational, and very hardworking person. You do not like improvisation and for this reason you always commit to give your maximum and you try to respect the rules in the best possible way. Your primary challenge is to understand that it is possible that you have too many expectations when it comes to your business and that you live in a constant quest for perfection, which will ultimately exhaust you. You are a natural talent, try to do things well and better each time, but do not let your obsession for perfection follow you and prevent you from enjoying the beautiful fruits of your work.


5. Reflexive and decisive

You know very well what you want to achieve in life and what you need to succeed in it. When you  desire something, you work on it without rest, with love, will and devotion, until you achieve your goal, crossing all the obstacles. Your extreme orientation towards success could make you a little bit more senseless and distant towards other people, and that’s where your big challenge lies. Remember that we are all students and teachers. You can learn something from every person which comes into your life and you have something to teach every person which comes to your life. When you understand it, your life will be more intense, then again, simpler and happier.

6. Extrovert and impulsive

You are one cheerful person, with the characteristic of accepting great risks and with a special interest in all new adventures: travel, new jobs, new experiences, etc. You fit very well into various stories and activities, although they may not have anything to do with each other. You live a life very intensely, and that is why you can have many obligations. That’s where your challenge is. Manage your time and energy better. It is important to set priorities and to organize your time well so that you do not leave unfinished jobs. When you succeed, the days will be more productive and and you will be more satisfied.



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