Are You A Garden Lover? Then You Need To Know These 10 Cool Ideas…


If you’re a new gardener who still has a lot to learn, then this article is definitely something you will want to read, as we have compiled several tips and ideas that will take you to the next level 🙂

Self-Watering Barrel Garden In A 55 Gallon Drum

Planting several plants in a barrel like this is a trendy idea, but it is also quite efficient. This allows you to plant several plants – including fruit and vegetables – in one go, and they will always have water. [Source]

Use This Convertible Greenhouse To Control How Long Your Plants Need To Stay Outside


This convertible, tent-like plastic green house is great because you have complete control over how long your plants are exposed without having to move them in and out constantly. This is particularly great for climates that change quickly and frequently.

Plastic Bottle Mini Greenhouse


Growing a small plant inside of a bottle is a great way to protect it from frost, wind, and strong rain. What a creative gardening project using recycled materials!

Sprinkle Crushed Eggshells Around Your Plants To Protect Them


This is yet another recycling garden project that makes use of kitchen waste. You can create a barrier against snails by crushing egg shells and then placing them around your planter. Egg shells are great because they are sharp, so they deter the snails, but they are also biodegradable, which means they will dissolve and affect the soil positively.

The Easiest Way to Grow Tomato Seedlings


Do you have some over ripe tomatoes that you can’t eat anymore? You can use those to plant some tomatoes of your own, by putting them in a pot with soil, as the seeds will grow and the rotting tomatoes will nourish the soil to help the process. [Source]

Use An Aspirin Foliar Spray To Combat Black Spot, Powdery Mildew, And Rust


Aspirin combats fungus headaches, so it is perfectly logic that it will also combat fungus infestations in your garden. Use an aspirin spray on your plants to keep healthy and fungus-free. [Source]

Grow 100 lbs. Of Potatoes In 4 Square Feet


Want to have an endless supply of potatoes but don’t have enough space to grow them? Then you need a potato box. They are easy to build with plywood and they only need 4 square feet, so you should absolutely fit one somewhere in your house or yard. [Source]

Upcycle Your Vegetable Scraps And Regrow Them Easily


Like the over ripe tomatoes, many vegetable’s scraps can be planted and grown into a new vegetable. It is much easier than you think! [Source]

Use Empty Soda Cans At The Bottom Of A Planter To Make It Lighter


If you have a large planter and you don’t want to fill it all the way with dirt because of the cost or weight, then you can fill the lower layers with cans to occupy space before you start adding the planting soil. [Source]

Grow Mushrooms In A Laundry Basket


Different mushroom species have different needs, but oyster mushrooms are so low maintenance you can grow them in a laundry basket. Simply add straw and water and these edible fungi will start popping up in no time. [Source]

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