Cyclee: A Signal Projector That Increases Bikers Safety


Cycle/Bike accidents are very common. London for example has witnessed 23,000 bike accidents in the last 5 years & 80 of which resulted in Deaths.

There are many precautions that Cyclists can take to avoid such accidents, one of them is by Increasing the visibility of the Bike and the Cyclist (front & rear lights, reflective & bright clothing).

“Most Collisions between Car & Bicycles Occur at Night. Although you are well within your legal right to ride at night, as long as you meet your legal duty to equip your bike with Lights and Reflectors”.

So, One of the most effective ways to avoid such accidents is to be VISIBLE. There is something that makes you more than visible on the roads, it informs the other people on the road about your actions.

Azerbaijani designer Elnur Babayev has created a “Sign Projector” for Bicycles. Yes, a sign projector!


CYCLEE, as it is called, is designed for the safety of bike riders while they are riding at night.

Cyclee projects relevant warning signs on the back of the rider & the Signs change depending on the actions of the Rider.


Cyclee is designed to be mounted grasping the pole under the seat and to extend beyond the drivers back. An ergonomic and wireless switch allows the driver to anticipate his moves with a left-right lever by the handlebar.


“There is a switch on the Bike handle and the rider can change the signs by the help of this switch. The Brake sign is controlled with normal braking and changes every time the rider pushes the brakes.” said Elnur.

Vintage bicycle handlebar

With the help of a wireless special chipset inserted in the device the entire programme can be edited. Projected signs can be modified via the mobile app & transferred to the device.


“The colour (Red) has been chosen as it is Globally accepted as a Warning light.” said Elnur.

You can find designer Elnur Babayev’s work on his Behance page.

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