The Ultimate Secret Garden – A Perfect Hideaway

Sydney Roof Garden 1

Everyone love to make his home a perfect place for relaxation and fun. With the everyday fast pace living, our home should become a hideaway from the constant obligations.

The team behind it are Secret Gardens, a Garden design firm headed up by Matthew Cantwell who describe this particular project as “The ultimate secret garden” – at the 25th floor on this skyscraper it is virtually hidden from all except those that use it!

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Sydney Roof Garden 3

It takes some serious consideration to marry together the needs of the client, with the aspect and setting of this garden. It is difficult to try to compete with the view, but equally the position of the outside space, does demand something special to live up to it’s ‘front row’ position on Sydney Harbour.

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Sydney Roof Garden 4

The references to traditional formal planting is also provided by the buxus hedging and topiary cones, and the hardy lavender will add a more casual element as it sways in the breeze and provides that evocative scent!

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Sydney Roof Garden 2

We love the symmetry of this design and how it all stems from the beautiful circular lawn that softens your viewpoint out to the harbour, and also helps to counteract the linear nature of the surrounding architecture.

Secret Gardens are certainly one of the best gardening teams with their award winning designs and very creative approach to each project. We love keeping track of their work. We hope you like their work as much as we do!

All pictures are courtesy of Secret Gardens.

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