What An Awesome Idea! Make Yourself A Wagon Wheel Garden…

Wagon Wheel Garden Feat

You simply start with an old wagon wheel. I know, I know, where DO you find one of THOSE? Craigslist maybe? Some small town thrift store?

Once you have one, lay it down on the ground where you want your herb garden to be. If necessary, you can remove spokes to create bigger spaces.


Simply prepare the spot where you want your herb garden to be, lay the wagon wheel down, and then fill each spoke area with soil. Then pick out the herbs you want to plant, and plant the different kinds into each “section”. It’s an awesome way to confine herbs to one place, and is easy to maintain!


Just plant your favorite herbs in each “section” and you’ve got not only a perfectly laid out herb garden, but a great conversation piece as well. It’s hard to tell in this picture, but it really does look pretty cool when you’re done. It’s a bit more “formal” than just a free form garden, but for a courtyard or small space, it’s a great solution to keep your herbs in one spot, contained, and organized.


In case you’re not into growing herbs, you can use your Wagon Wheel Garden for succulents, herbs and even annuals. The choice is yours. It would make a great feature for a courtyard too when you want to give a focal point. If you want additional space between your plantings, simply pull out the spindles. We can’t wait to make one ourselves.


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