When You See What He Have Done From An Old Bulb, You Will Immediately Roll Up Your Sleeves…

Bulb Terrarium

If you love DIY projects, this will delight you! This man took an old bulb and made a beautiful terrarium, which would be a great decoration on any desk at your home or office.

All you need is an old light bulbs and small amount of materials from the nature – stones, soil, moss, small plants, and a worm 🙂

Za početak treba da izbacite sve iz sijalice kako biste napravili mesta za svoju minijaturnu bašticu. A zatim ubacite malo kamenčića, zemlje, biljaka i ponekog crvića, zatvorite sijalicu i lepo je izložite. Potrebno vam je svega nekoliko minuta.

Pogledajte detaljan postupak na video-snimku:

For start, you will have to remove everything from the light bulb to make room for your miniature garden. Then insert some small stones, soil, and plants, close the bulb and expose it to light. It will take only a couple of minutes, but the resultl will be Awesome !
See the detailed procedure in this video:

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